Bosch Rexroth Spare parts
35 Years of experience in distributing Bosch Rexroth hydraulics parts.
REM-B HYDRAULICS is specialized in the sales of genuine hydraulic pump spare parts of a very wide range of Bosch Rexroth, Hydromatik & Brueninghaus hydraulic piston pumps and motors for mobile and industrial applications.
REM-B HYDRAULICS, an official distributor of Bosch Rexroth, has stock of the following Bosch Rexroth, Hydromatik & Brueninghaus pump spare parts or can deliver these with a very short leadtime:
- A10VO, A10VSO Series 30, 31 & 52, 53
sizes: 10, 18, 28, 43, 45, 63, 71, 85, 100, 140 - A10VEC 45
- A10VG:
sizes: 18, 28, 45 & 63 - A10VNO, CO, VE, VM Series 52 / 53 & 32
sizes: 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, 23, 28, 37, 45, 58, 60, 63, 85 – 180 - A11VG
sizes: 12, 19, 35, 50 - A11VL/O Series 10 & 11
sizes: 40, 60, 75, 95, 130, 145, 160, 190, 200, 250 & 260 - A16VE/VM:
sizes: 55, 80 - A17FO
sizes: 50, 63, 80, 107 - A17VO
sizes: 50, 63, 80, 107 - A20V(L)O
sizes: 60, 95, 130, 520 - A2F, A2V, A3V, A6V, A7V, A8V Series 1 – 5
sizes: 10, 12, 23, 28, 45, 55, 63, 78, 80, 87, 107, 117, 125,160, 182, 225, 250, 355, 500, 1000 - A2FLM
sizes: 200, 250, 355, 500, 1000 - A2FO/M Series 6.1 & 6.0
sizes: 10, 12, 16, 23, 28, 32, 45, 56, 63, 80, 90, 107, 125,160, 180, 200, 250, 355, 500, 1000 - A2P(SL)
sizes: 250, 500, 355, 1000 - A2VK
sizes: 12, 28, 55, 107 - A3V
sizes: 55, 80, 107, 225 - A4CSG Series 30
siezs: 250, 355, 500 & 750 - A4F
sizes: 25, 45 - A4FO/M Series 30 & 31
sizes: 16, 22, 28, 40, 56, 71, 125, 250 & 500 - A4V Series 1 & 2
sizes: 40, 56, 71, 90, 125, 250 - A4VO
sizes: 56, 90, 130 - A4VG Series 30, 31 & 32
sizes: 28, 40, 56, 71, 90, 125, 140, 180, 250 - A4VO
sizes: 56, 90, 130 - A4VSG
sizes: 71, 125, 250, 355, 500, 750, 1000 - A4VSO Series 10, 22 & 30
sizes: 40, 71, 125, 180, 250, 355, 500, 750, 1000 - A5V(G)
sizes: 40, 55 - A6VE
sizes: 28, 55, 80, 107, 160 - A6VM Series 60, 61, 62, & 63
sizes: 28, 55, 80, 107, 140, 160, 200, 250, 355 & 500 - A7FO
sizes: 55, 80, 107, 160 - A7VO Series 60, 61, 62 & 63
sizes: 28, 55, 80, 107, 160, 200, 250, 355 & 500 - A7VSL
sizes: 250, 500, 1000 - A7VTO
sizes: 55, 80, 107, 160, 200 - A8VO Series 60, 62, 63
sizes: 55, 80, 86, 107, 115, 140, 160, 172, 200 - A8VTO 107
sizes: 55, 80, 107 - PV7
sizes: 14, 20, 30, 45, 71, 118
If you would need more information on prices and availability of Bosch Rexroth pump spare parts or technical information, we gladly invite you to have a look on our online business portal and webshop REM-B Connect or you can talk to someone of the sales team , please contact: sales@remb.be or call: +32 14/62.28.62.