Lift is the force which allows airplanes to take off from the earth’s soil and allows them to fly. This lift force is not the only thing lifting aircraft, in some way one might also say REM-B HYDRAULICS is responsible for lifting airplanes from the ground with a high force ! Although not by means of moving an aerofoil wing through a column of air, but by using hydraulic fluid power ! REM-B HYDRAULICS is specialized in the repair of hydraulic lifting jacks for aircraft. Hydraulic aircraft jacks are used for example when maintenance is performed on the landing gear.
We execute these hydraulic repairs with extreme care as of course in aviation safety and reliability is very important and failure of equipment can have very expensive consequences. That is why several Benelux and French airlines, air forces and aircraft maintenance companies call upon REM-B HYDRAULICS to have their aircraft jacks repaired. We set the standard for safe, dependable repair very high. We repair all kinds and sizes of hydraulic aircraft Jacks, whether the jack is used is for lifting a commuter turboprop or lifting a 250 Tonnes Boeing 747 .

Hydraulic aircraft jack being repaired in REM-B HYDRAULICS workshop
REM-B HYDRAULICS completely overhauls these jacks, whether they are manually, air driven, or electrically operated. The electronics are also repaired and tested in our repair facilities.
Need your hydraulic aircraft jack repaired ?
Please do not hesitate to contact us: repair@remb.be or call
+32 (0)14 62 28 60